25% Speaking / Listening
50% Grammar / Vocabulary
25% Writing / Reading / Homework
Extra Points: +0,25 points at the end of your Term Mark if you always try to talk to me in English inside and outside the classroom. And yes, I will ALWAYS talk in English, of course!
- 1 Student's Book and 1 Workbook.
- 1 Notebook with 3 different colours (to distinguish Grammar, Vocabulary and Activities). At the end of each Term you will have to create an English Portfolio including all the notes you have got in your Notebook, all the photocopies and other activities we have done in class.
- 1 English dictionary.
- 2 English readers.
- 1 blue pen, 1 black pen, 1 red pen and 1 green pen.
You will take an exam after every unit. They include EVERYTHING we have done in class, so YES, they are difficult and you have to study. You will also take different vocabulary or reading tests during the year. Once they are corrected, I will give them back to you so your parents can look at it and sign it. If you don't bring your exams back in one week, you will have a negative. At the end of each term, I will return your exams so you can include them in your English portfolio and you can keep them.