Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Post-it Wall!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

UNIT 3 : Sing Along with Nelly Furtado!

You loved that song in the classroom, so I hope you will sing along! Have Fun!!!

Song lyrics | I'm Like A Bird lyrics

Sunday, December 06, 2009

UNIT 2 : Sing Along with Britney Spears!

I know that you think Rock&Roll is old-fashioned, but give it a try! Come on! Sing along!

Song lyrics | I Love Rock & Roll lyrics

Ok, ok... I know that you preferred the second one, but Rock&Roll is not that bad... Yes, I know, you prefer Rihanna... So... Sing along!

Song lyrics | Don't Stop The Music lyrics

Wednesday, December 02, 2009



Have you ever thought about Christmas? Have you realized how different we celebrate that holiday from other countries? Well, give it a thought and write your opinion about "Christmas" in your new wiki, called "WIKOOPERATE" and join two discussions: Your opinion about this holiday and then the origin of Santa Claus. Have fun!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Teaching Quotes

In case you have forgotten, teaching is hard sometimes. Here you are some quotes you can read to encourage you to keep on learning, and to encourage ME to keep on teaching!!! :-p

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

ACTIVITAT AMB IMATGE: "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

What do you see in this picture? What do you feel looking at it? Can you tell me what is the message behind this picture? You only need a couple of sentences, come on!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

New Technologies

La meva experiència TiC

Avui he començat un curset de formació sobre les "Llengües i les TIC" al IES Ferran Casablancas. És evident que la realitat que ens envolta està immersa en les noves tecnologies i, per tant, també les hem d'incloure en el nostre ensenyament. No sé molt bé com me'n sortiré, ja que a mi les noves tecnologies m'agraden molt, però no sé fins a quin punt seré capaç d'aplicar-les a l'aula! Ja us aniré informant.