25% Speaking / Listening / Attitude
50% Grammar / Vocabulary
25% Writing / Reading / Homework
Exams include Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading , Writing, Listening. So they are the 75% of your mark. Then we add a 25% from your Homework and Attitude marks.
Extra Points: +0,25 points for your Speaking. At the end of each term, I will add these points to your final mark if you always try to talk to me in English inside and outside the classroom. And yes, I will ALWAYS talk in English, of course!
- 1 Student's Book and 1 Workbook.
- 1 Notebook with 3 different colours (to separate Vocabulary, Grammar and Activities). At the end of each Term you will have to create an English Portfolio including all the notes you have got in your Notebook, all the photocopies and other activities we have done in class.
- 1 English dictionary.
- 1 English reader. (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain. Burlington Books, ISBN 9963-46-155-4)
- 1 English reader. (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain. Burlington Books, ISBN 9963-46-155-4)
- 1 blue pen, 1 black pen, 1 red pen and 1 green pen.
- 1 email (better from Gmail) to enter your coursebook website, blog and to email me.
- CLASSROOM EMAIL: inspauvila@gmail.com
- CLASSROOM BLOG: http://anglester.blogspot.com
- COURSEBOOK WEBSITE: www.voices.mac-english.com
- 1 email (better from Gmail) to enter your coursebook website, blog and to email me.
- CLASSROOM EMAIL: inspauvila@gmail.com
- CLASSROOM BLOG: http://anglester.blogspot.com
- COURSEBOOK WEBSITE: www.voices.mac-english.com
You will take an exam after every unit. They include EVERYTHING we have done in class, so YES, they are difficult and you have to study. You will also take different vocabulary or reading tests during the year. Once they are corrected, I will give them back to you so your parents can look at it and sign it. If you don't bring your exams back in one week, you will have a negative. At the end of each term, I will return your exams so you can include them in your English portfolio and you can keep them.

At the end of the term, if you behave, there will be a treat: watching a Movie. If your attitude is not correct, there will be NO treat, and we will continue with the next lesson on your book. There are also extra activities, like going to the Theatre (1st ESO) or the Comenius Exchange (2nd ESO), or going to the Computers room or to the Audiovisuals room. But it all depends on your behaviour: the better your attitude is, the more extra activities we will do.

When you send me an email your starting mark is always an excellent. Then, I correct your writing and I discount all the mistakes you do. This is how you get your final mark (EXCELLENT - GREAT - GOOD - PASS - FAIL). If you want to understand my corrections, read the following examples. Here you have a sample of the most typical mistakes you could make in your email. This is the example sentence: “I like studying English! I think it’s important because you learn a new language, culture and society.” Now look at the different mistakes and corrections.
1. Original: i like studying english! i think it’s important because you learn a new language, culture and society.
Correction: i like studying english! i think it’s important because you learn a new language, culture and society.
capital letterS (you forgot to start the sentence with capital letter or to write a name in capital letters, etc.)
2. Original: I like studying English I think it’s important because you learn a new language culture and society
Correction: I like studying English! I think it’s important because you learn a new language, culture and society.
ADD PUNCTUATION (you forgot to write commas, full stops, etc.)
3. Original: I like studying English! I think it’s importtant because you learn a new languague, culture and socaiety.
Correction: I like studying English! I think it’s importtant because you learn a new languague, culture and socaiety.
erase (you wrote some words wrong, you doubled some letters unnecessarily or you misspelled something)
4. Original: I like studing English! I think its importan because you learn a new languag, culture and society.
Correction: I like studying English! I think it’s important because you learn a new language, culture and society.
add (you forgot to write some letters or apostrophes and I included them in your original writing in green)
5. Original: I like studying English! I create it’s important for you learn a new idiom, culture and society.
Correction: I like studying English! I create it’s important for you learn a new idiom, culture and society.
wrong word (you made a vocabulary mistake or you wrote the wrong verb, preposition, etc.)
6. Original: I liking studying English! I think it's important because you learns a new language, culture and society.
Correction: I liking studying English! I think it's important because you learns a new language, culture and society.
WRONG VERB: ERASE –ING, –S… (you didn’t write the verb right, you used a wrong tense or wrong person)
7. Original: I like study English! I think it important because you learn a new language, culture and society.
Correction: I like studying English! I think it is important because you learn a new language, culture and society.
WRONG VERB: ADD –ING, –S… (you forgot to write the verb ending in –ing or you forgot the 3rd person –s)
8. Original: I like studiyng English! I think it’s important becuase you learn a new langauge, culture and society.
Correction: I like studiyng English! I think it’s important becuase you learn a new langauge, culture and society.
WRONG SPELLING (your made some spelling mistakes, you wrote the letters in the wrong order)
9. Original: I like potatoes! I think English it’s important because you learn a new language, culture and chair.
Correction: I like potatoes? I think English it’s important because you learn a new language, culture and chair?
NONSENSE (I don’t understand what you mean or I don’t understand why you used a certain word)
10. Original: I like studying English!I think it’simportant because you learn a new language,culture and chair.
Correction: I like studying English!/I think it’s/important because you learn a new language,/culture and chair.
NEEDS SEPARATION (you wrote two words together or you forgot the space after the punctuation mark)
11. Original: I like studying English! I think it’ s important because you learn a new language, culture and society.
Correction: I like studying English! _I think it’_s important because you learn a new language, _culture and society.
EXTRA SPACE (you wrote two spaces instead of one or you separate something that should go together)
12. Original: I like studying English but Eva prefers studying French and I think it’s important but she doesn’t agree.
Correction: I like studying English but Eva prefers studying French and (.) I think it’s important but she doesn’t agree.
FULL STOP (your sentence is too long and you should separate it with a full stop. Remember: 1 idea = 1 sentence)