Post-it Wall!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
UNIT 1 : Homework (WB p.10)
Hi everyone! My name is Emily and I'm your dictation teacher. Listen to me to do your homework, ok? Pay attention and write these 6 sentences in your workbook. Are you ready? Let's start!
Monday, September 23, 2013
UNIT 0: Comparatives and Superlatives
Hi everyone ! The last day in class, we dealt with comparison adjectives . Do you need more practice ? Ok, below you will find some activities.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Treasure Hunt: What's this blog about?

1. There is one photo on the right of this post. Where do you think it is from, the UK or the USA? Can you name the city?
2. What section do you see at the very top of the blog? What's the meaning of its title?
3. What is the website address of your coursebook? What activities can you find in it?
4. How many "English" dictionaries can you find on this blog? What are their names? What is Wordreference? And Babel Fish? Can you find any dictionary online on this blog?
5. Name 2 British newspapers and 2 American newspapers. Look at the websites of the British and American TV channels. Is there any programme that you know of?
6. Imagine that you want to watch a movie in original version (English) with subtitles. Can you name the movie theaters you can go?
7. What is the address of the British Council in Barcelona? What is the address of the Institut d'Estudis Nord-Americans in Barcelona? Can you take First Certificate or Proficiency tests at the British Council?
8. Look at the Cyber Listening Lab. Try one of the online dictations. What is VOA? And ELLLO?
9. Is there any game online? And where can you see videos?
10. Look at the archive section and classify the posts according to at least 5 different categories. Is there any other way to get to this posts apart from the archive section?
THE GREAT QUESTION: Now that you have visited your English blog, can you tell me which uses can you think for this blog to help you in your English learning process?
Did you find the answers to all the questions? Now post them as comments!
Monday, September 16, 2013
25% Speaking / Listening / Attitude
50% Grammar / Vocabulary
25% Writing / Reading / Homework
Exams include Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading , Writing, Listening. So they are the 75% of your mark. Then we add a 25% from your Homework and Attitude marks. Remember that English is a subject with continuous assessment. To pass English, you have to pass a minimum of 2 terms of the year (3rd Term+1st/2nd Term). If you fail English, you will have to take a remedial exam in September. You will have to do some summer homework (20%).
Extra Points: +0,25 points at the end of your Term Mark if you always try to talk to me in English inside and outside the classroom. And yes, I will ALWAYS talk in English, of course!
- 1 Student's Book and 1 Workbook.
- 1 Notebook (with squared paper, 4 holes and micro-perforated). At the end of the year you will have to create an English Portfolio including all the notes you have got in your Notebook, all the photocopies and other activities we have done in class. Optional: plastic folder.
- 4 pens: 1 red (titles), 1 green (correction), 1 blue (English) and 1 black (translation).
- 1 English dictionary.
- 1 English dictionary.
- 1 email (better from Gmail) to enter your coursebook website, blog and to email me.
- COURSEBOOK WEBSITE: I’ll tell you your usernames and passwords (October aprox).
- COURSEBOOK WEBSITE: I’ll tell you your usernames and passwords (October aprox).
You will take an exam after every unit. They include EVERYTHING we have done in class, so YES, they are difficult and you have to study. You will also take different vocabulary or reading tests during the year. Once they are corrected, I will give them back to you so your parents can look at it and sign it. If you don't bring your exams back in 1week, you will have a negative. At the end of each term, I will return your exams so you can include them in your English portfolio at the end of the year so you can review them.

At the end of the term, if you behave, there will be a TREAT: watching a Movie, going to the Computers or Audiovisuals room, or creating a Project. If your attitude is not correct, there will be NO TREAT, and we will continue with the next lesson on your book. There are also EXTRA activities, like going to the Theatre (1stESO) or the Comenius Exchange (2ndESO), like the Scottish Dances (3rdESO) or the Cultural Trivial (4thESO). But it all depends on your behaviour: “the better your attitude is, the more extra activities we will do”.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
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